Friday, January 05, 2007

heat on emerging church is rising

Been reading about John MacArthur's upcoming book critiquing emerging church. MacArthur's books had a great influence on me as a young Christian. While I don't always agree with him, I have always respected him. But the general attacks and unfounded criticism have made me sad.

If you're curious or interested in all the buzz, here are some blogs to look at.

Here is the first of a series from MacArthur, Brian McLaren and the Clarity of Scripture.
I don't encourage you to spend too much time here; I think MacArthur's opinions and judgments about McLaren and emerging church are unfair and inaccurate. But it is good to know the different perspectives out there.

Dan Kimball, author of The Emerging Church, gave a great response on his blog.

Paul Mayers has a great post on all this at Jason Clark's blog.

And Bill Kinnon has a great humorous response.

We've got a big planning day at church Sunday; things are moving along well!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Tom said...

Thanks Todd. This is helpful to participate in the conversation. Are you apart of the DC Cohort?
