Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Procastination, family, Brian McLaren

Haven't posted in almost three weeks; the days go by too fast! My procrastination almost got me into trouble last week. I looked at my calendar on Thursday and realized Friday was Jamie's birthday. I stopped at Carrabba's after work (Jamie's favorite restaurant) and got a gift card, then went to CVS and got a bunch of stuff for a gift bag (including a prepared gift bag). All that tells me I need to slow down!

Saturday we held the annual meeting for NorthStar, our local network of Baptist churches, and one of my employers. (I work part-time for the church, and part-time for the network.)

Brian McLaren was the guest speaker; he gave a fantastic message about worship. I have met Brian several times over the years, heard him speak, read many of his books, and know many people who are close to him. I have seen the fruit of his ministry in so many ways. I see his love for Jesus and for people. I have been blessed by him. So it breaks my heart to see the vicious criticism directed toward him, especially by several "watchdog" organizations that label him a heretic.

I don't agree with Brian on everything--but I probably don't agree with anyone on everything. Yet much of what he says resonates with the questions and wonderings I've had about God and life, especially as I move toward middle age. I am so grateful for the ways Brian challenges me to be real and honest with God and myself as I seek to know Him better and live in His ways.

Finally, a Brady update. My 5 1/2 month old son is now sitting up. He is growing like crazy, and developing such a beautiful personality. He has a wonderful smile and a contagious laugh. It is so fun watching him and his sister!

1 comment:

Joey said...


I agree its unfortunate that "watchdogs" are quick to (mis)label people like McLaren heretics. I'm jealous you got to see see him speak - he doesn't come all the way up to Northern Canada too often :)

I'll stop by again. Good to have found you..
