Friday, August 18, 2006

Learning from my son

This has been an exhausting week, mostly in the emotional/spiritual sense. Dealing with a lot of church stuff that is really draining. I think we're doing ok; moving forward, working hard to do what we believe God wants us to.

The joy in the midst of this is my son Brady. Jamie is working full time; wrapping things up before she quits her job. Ashley is visiting her father; so I'm home with Brady during the days. He can wear me out; and when he naps I'm ready for a break. But 45 minutes later I'm standing at his crib, missing him and ready for him to wake up. I am so filled with love for him. He is "talking," making lots of beautiful sounds. His smile melts my heart. He is asleep now and I long for him.

If this is the kind of love God has for me; I never really got that before now. Even though life is crazy, and I'm about 150 emails behind, and work is piling up; I am so grateful for my family, my ministry, my co-pastor (who has picked up all of my slack while I'm playing Mr. Mom), my friends, and most of all my God.


Todd said...

Can anyone translate that last comment for me?

Todd said...

Hey Jim,

Thanks for the response--yeah, kids are amazing. I hate having to leave them in the mornings on the days I leave for work.

I checked out your website and listened to some of your music--very cool! I am not a musician; but do love music. Some of your influences are favorites of mine--Marty Robbins, John Denver...I really like Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Rich Mullins...

I'll buy some of your songs next time I pick up an I-tunes card. (We're on a tight budget with a new baby, a new job, and my wife getting ready to come home full-time!)

Thanks for the encouragment!