You may notice my blog has a new look. I chose a new template because it was easier to fit some new things on the page. I have added a section for books/movies/cds I am enjoying and recommend. AND, if you buy an item from amazon through my blog, I get a few cents.
I spoke last Sunday about "The Kingdom as a Party," from John 2 where Jesus turned the water into wine. Got me thinking about how God really wants us to celebrate--Him, life, family, friends...Interesting that John chose as his first recorded miracle--not a healing or feeding, but saving a party!
I get so caught up in life's demands, that I don't take time to celebrate and enjoy. I'm trying to celebrate the little things--a good meal, the laughter of my children, a funny movie, a beautiful song, a pretty smile. Sometimes I look back at my "best days," days that made great memories, like surprise parties on my 16th, 21st, and 40th birthdays, my wedding day, the day Brady was born, a day at Kings Dominion with Ashley. I really do have much to celebrate!
If anyone's reading this, I'd love to hear about some of your "best days!"