Monday, April 18, 2011

reading through A New Kind of Christianity--clarity and mystery

(not sure what I'm trying to say with this image, but it is rather thought-provoking)

From A New Kind of Christianity by Brian McLaren:

Does the Bible alone provide enough clarity to resolve all questions, as a good constitution should? No. We have no reason to believe it was ever meant to do that, as much as we’ve tried to force it to do so. From all sides it becomes clear that the Bible, if it is truly inspired by God, wasn’t meant to end conversation and give the final word on controversies. If this were its purpose, it has failed miserably. (This fact must be faced.) But if, instead, it was inspired and intended to stimulate conversation, to keep people thinking and talking and arguing and seeking, across continents and centuries, it has succeeded and is succeeding in a truly remarkable way. (p. 92)

God’s purpose in the Bible isn’t to give us encyclopedia-like answers. It’s not to end the discussion with the simple, final solution. As Brian said, if that were its purpose, it has failed. We have hundreds of Christian denominations in the US, many thousands worldwide. If the Bible is so simple and clear, how can we—the Universal Christian Church—be so divided? There are so many differences, yet each group believes they have the right answers and the correct interpretations.

I wonder if having it all figured out causes us to rely less on God. Following God becomes a list of do's and don’ts (even though we claim it doesn’t)…And if we think we’ve got it figured out, then the only thing left is to do what we think we’re supposed to do.

With everything figured out, there is no mystery. There are no questions. We don’t really even need much from God now, God has served his purpose by giving us the Bible and the correct interpretation and understanding. In that line of thinking, all we need now is God’s strength and discipline. Seems like a pretty shallow relationship to me.

The older I get, the more I realize there is more and more that I don’t have figured out. Things that don’t make sense to me. Questions about the diversity and complexity I see in the Bible, in my fellow man, in myself, in the world we live in. I feel like I am more childlike, not out of anything noble, but because I am often clueless before the God of the universe.

But God does not leave me in my ignorance—rather, God reveals himself in the amazing stories of the Bible, and in the conversations I have with my wife and my friends, and in the laughter of my children, and the joy I find when I teach, or write, or umpire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that the Christian church has become so divided. And for any church/ denomination to say that their interpretation is absolute shows arrogance and is disrespectful to our God. Only our heavenly father knows what is absolute. Humanity is full of fault. How can we know exactly everything our Father in thinking or feeling. I think doctrine and creeds sometimes dictate our churches instead of allowing God to just be God. When I read the Bible as whole I do believe God speaks very clearly on many controversial issues of our day. The wording may not be specific but his message, to me, is very clear. Humanity has responded terribly to many of these issues and thus our church has become more and more divided. Didn't God command us to love our neighbor as ourselves? I believe God is a stern God and there are consequences to our sin, whatever that sin is, but he is also a loving and forgiving God, our prime example. How loving was Christ when he said, "Go and sin not more." He showed love and compassion. He did not beat emotions into the ground and make someone feel worthless or unforgivable.
I don't think we were ever intended to figure everything out. Wouldn't that equate us to his status if we knew all? God's love letter to us help us to strive to be more Christ like. Christ is the ultimate example of love and yes, sacrifice. I want to be more like him everyday, to show love and compassion to those, who in human terms, would never deserve it. We are to be an example of him to all. It is tough road but then look at our example, Christ.