I was going to write a blog post about the lame, "I apologize if..." non-apology that we hear so much these days. The latest was Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins. She got into hot water by saying, "Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope."
When word got out, and she realized how racist her statement was, she offered this,
"I was unaware of any negative connotation, and if I offended anybody, obviously, I apologize," Jenkins told the Lawrence Journal-World. (bold mine)
So what you're saying is, if no one was offended, then you withdraw your apology?
Anyway, I was going to keep going, but then found this by Jim Buzinski, written several years ago, that beautifully says what I was thinking:
Apology Not Accepted: Let's Stop the Trend of "Non-Apolgy Apologies"
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